Priory Lodge of Acton



Priory Lodge is composed of 14 members, 7 country members and 2 Honorary members. Members come from various professional backgrounds but in the main are self employed and retired from Electrical and Policing professions.

Full Members attend all four of the annual Lodge meetings and after the ceremony, which normally last 2 to 2 and a half hours dine together. The members appreciate that there will be occasions when members need to focus time on families, vocations or other leisure pursuits and so Country membership is acceptable. Country members pay a lower annual subscription and generally do not attend the Lodge meetings or dine.

The youngest member is 25 and the oldest 90+. The Lodge takes great pride in the funds it raises for charity and sees itself as a closely knit family.

Whilst formal Lodge meetings are held 4 times a year, members also meet on three separate evenings prior to a formal meeting to rehearse the forthcoming ceremony.

The Lodge holds an annual Ladies Night weekend where members, their friends and family attend a weekend dinner dance event. These events have always been well attended and the Lodge Ladies Night Planning Committee always secured venues that provide best value for money.

The members are always happy for new people to join them and welcome approaches from interested men. The Secretary and Master are contactable by email.


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